Conservation and anti-poaching are dedicated areas of focus for Exclusive Expedition Ltd.

Poaching have very sadly been on the increase across the whole of East Africa over the past two decades. Primarily this increase has been largely focused on ivory poaching due to the demand and price of ivory on the black market. Also, the illegal bush meat trade continues to be also a major form of poaching. This is largely due to the ever-increasing human population, dramatic poverty, and unemployment levels in rural areas. Other problems facing these huge wilderness areas are illegal timber logging and encroachment of cattle herders from the rural areas.

Our involvement in conservation and anti-poaching is because of our love for the flora and fauna since our early days. We take pride in our passion and are spending the funds to get positive results. Our anti-poaching teams continue to work tirelessly and are constantly striving to find new and better techniques to patrol such large areas. We have lately invested in drones to survey the greater expanses in a shorter time.

We would like to thank all of our donors, and hunting clientele without which none of this would have been possible, We cannot express enough the importance of this work in ensuring the long-term survival of wildlife and its habitat in this wilderness.

Anti Poaching Gallery