CSR & Conservation
Community development is a social commitment which Exclusive Expedition Ltd. takes pride in doing along side. It is an important conservation strategy and our corporate social responsibility. By sharing the gains from hunting, we would like the less privileged who live along side in rural forest areas to refrain from poaching as a means of survival.

We have initiated a campaign for the locals to develop agro products, collection of wild forest honey. This honey and agro material we buy from them and get it pack and market it for better reach of sales. All this is done for us to protect our wildlife, we have to address the poverty challenges that is driving the locals towards poaching. If we care enough, they will thrive, only by taking our honey and agro campaign seriously, we have a chance to curb the locals for a better life. We also initiate meaningful projects that serve the entire community such as health, education and clean water. We have installed tube well in villages and sanitation drives. We try and create the necessary awareness within the rural society and especially young kids that wildlife is a precious natural resource that needs continuous protection for their own long-term benefit.

When you hunt with Exclusive Expedition Ltd., you will enjoy the satisfaction in knowing that you are truly contributing to the betterment of lives and you also become our partners in wildlife and habitat conservation. Together, we can and we shall do our very best.

CSR Activity Gallery