Type of Tours
Hunting Safari

Whether you are interested in hunting a member of the 'Big Five' or the plains game of Africa, a hunting safari in Tanzania is sure to be a thrilling experience with Exclusive Expedition!!!

21 Days

Platinum Safari

Lion | Leopard | Royal Games | Plain Games

14 Days

Golden Safari

Leopard | Royal Games | Plain Games

10 Days

Silver Safari

Buffalo | Plain Games

7 Days

Bronze Safari

Plain Games | Birds

The Day Fees Includes:
  • Accommodation on Hunting Concessions
  • Full board Accommodation at the Camp
  • Laundry Service at Hunting Concessions
  • Services of qualified professional during game
    • Professional Hunters with Gun Bearers,
    • Trackers and Skinner
  • First Aid Kits in Camp and Cars
  • 4x4 Hunting Vehicles
  • Skinners and Trackers
  • Field Preparation of Trophies
  • Government Tax on day fees
  • Transfer from Tabora Airport
  • Resort (Before and After Safari in Dar es Salaam)
The Day Fees Excludes:
  • All items of Personal Nature (Flights, Visa, and Side Trips)
  • Trophy Fees
  • Cities Permits and Tags (Where Applicable)
  • Alcohol
  • Gratitudes to PH, Trackers, Camp Staff and Game Scout
  • Hire of Firearms and Ammunition
  • Import Tax
Hunting Safari BrochureView & Download
Read before you sign-up

Terms & Conditions

  • All animals wounded or shot in Water and lost must be paid for in full.
  • A deposit of 50% of the Safari Rate is required to confirm your booking.
  • Full payment for your Safari together with the Trophy Fee Deposit must be received 90 days prior to the commencement of your safari.
  • If informed earlier 50% can be compensated in the next safari and 50 % will be penalized.
  • All payments are payable in Cash or / by Bank Transfers.

Licencing Regulations And Restrictions:

  • Hunting Season is throughout the year
  • Hunting in Daylight only
  • Animals cannot be shot from Vehicle
  • The animal is not chased by Vehicle
  • The recommended minimum caliber for a dangerous game is a .375 H&H MAGNUM

Summary Of Our Hunting Camps

  • Real wild hunting, not a shoot
  • Large hunting areas
  • Good, experienced, friendly, and easy-going PHs
  • Wild natural game herds, not genetically manipulated and not artificially fed
  • Natural wild habitat for hunting
  • Excellent Food with comfortable Accommodation
  • Pre and post-Safari assistance
  • Trophy care is excellent
  • Fair pricing with no hidden costs


  • We strongly recommend that you obtain the following types of insurance:
    - Accidental Death and Disability
    - Loss or theft of personal effects
    - Emergency Evacuation.
  • Medical: Make sure it covers you in Africa.
  • Trip Cancellation. Please purchase this policy immediately after booking your hunt to safeguard yourself.
  • Please make sure your policies are up to date and you are fully insured before you travel.


It is important to understand that hunting is a sport that involves inherent risks; big game hunting can be dangerous, and in rare cases result in injury or even fatal. Although every possible care is taken to safeguard you and your property, Exclusive Expedition Ltd. accepts no responsibility for any accidents, injury, illness, or fatality nor loss or damage of the client's property incurred during or arising while on safari. The company accepts no responsibility for any changes in Government fees or policies.

We will, however, endeavor to notify you as soon as possible, should this occur. No guarantees are made for any animal not obtained during the hunt as our PHs adhere to the principles pertaining to Fair Chase and ethical hunting and regulations as stipulated in the Wildlife Conservation Act of Tanzania.

Get in touch with us for detailed itenerary and rates.