Hunting Block (Category 1)

Exclusive Expedition Ltd holds a beautiful campsite in the most desired Rungwa Mpera which is nestled in the heart of the Rungwa Kizigo/Muhesi Game Reserve in Western Tanzania and is well known as a Big Game Hunting destination and famous for its high lion populations. During the dry season (hunting season), huge herds of Buffalo migrate into the area from the park, sattracted by the numerous springs and waterholes. It is Buffalo paradise, and as a result, also attracts the big cats.

Trophies from Rungwa are exceptional and include Buffalo, Sable & Roan antelope, Greater Kudu, and Eland as well as large maned Lion and Leopard. A very limited number of safaris are conducted annually in order to preserve its excellence. It covers a large part of Central and West Tanzania and is primarily covered with miombo woodlands giving access to excellent thickets a unique vegetation type found only in two places in Africa. Over 1 million acres of pristine hunting grounds that is breathtakingly beautiful with some spectacular hills. It is a truly wild, and scenic part of Africa.